Spreading Fungi Leading to Deadly Infection by Molly Masalskis

 Molly Masalskis

            Spreading Fungi Leading to Deadly Infection

Due to climate change many changes can be noticed in ecosystems across the globe, more recently scientists have discovered that previously assumed territory for a type of fungi called Histoplasma fungi has vastly expanded. This could be extremely dangerous as those who contract the infection from the fungi if left untreated can have deadly consequences. With old territory maps it is more likely that Doctors will not be able to correctly identify and diagnose the root cause, unfortunately Histoplasma isn't the only fungus that is traveling. The Coccidioides fungi has also been seen spreading from its original locations. Coccidioides is known to cause valley fever which is another respiratory illness. These cases of fungi migrating are extremely dangerous not just for the people but the ecosystems they are invading. If new maps and information is not communicated many lives will be lost.

What are potential ecosystem impacts?

How can we prevent the further spreading of these fungi?

What other species could begin to migrate?

