Neural Technology by Brice Henson

Brice Henson

Neural Technology

Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is developing a nonsurgical neurotechnology. Which would allow human brains to communicate directly to computers and other technology. They already have electroencephalogram and transcranial direct current system which does not work with at the speed and accuracy needed for use in the real world. Currently they are still working out the physics issue being how the neurons move through the skin and bone. Not only would this technology help communicate straight from computer to brian but it would give us a lot of understanding about the brain.

Other technologies have helped people with mental disabilities and brain damage live life at a much higher quality but, are invasive procedures that require surgery. With this new technology we could not only help those who have brain injuries but we could also help able bodied people live better lives without any risky surgery.

The goal of this new technology is to allow anyone to communicate with computers, phones, and other technologies using our brains directly. If we succeed not only would we be able to use technology with our brains directly but, it’s very likely that it would unlock many secrets to the brain and give us a better understanding of the thing that controls everything we do and finally get some answers science has been asking since the beginning.

The only thing they need to get past to make this amazing technology a reality is just the physics part of the equation. If they can figure out how neurons pass through the body at amazing speeds without losing the quality of image then we could finally make this technology a reality

They do currently have a technology that implants electrodes that restore some lost memories the patient had and just forgot at some point in their life.


Why is DARPA developing this technology?

Would you want this in you?

How could this hurt/help us?


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  2. I think DARPA is making this invention because they want to know more about how the brain works and help those who have memory, special needs, trauma, ... so those people can better live there lives. Although this is a good idea and will be helpful in the future I am unsure how I feel about my brain being able to connect to a computer at a fast rate because I am unsure how that will effect my brain in the long run. I think it can help by repairing memory, help those with motor skill struggles, and even help those who just want to understand the brain in general get a better understanding on how the control of are body does it all. The cons to this invention would be brain alterations, side effects, costs, ...

    Samantha Fuller

  3. I wonder if the future of this will be a thin exterior unit or a implanted version. It would probably depend upon personal preferences, and ability to mesh with the technology. Also would be a good idea to see how it works with brain disorders such as alzheimers or depression

  4. I think neural technology is a great technological development for people who that have a physical impairment that makes working on a computer difficult or impossible. It can also me a tool to help people better communicate with each other efficiently. I think this technology good be a huge success if it is safe to use for long periods of connection time to the brain and works efficiently.

  5. This technology will be a great aid for people with disabilities or are in need of assistance with technology. However, I am still wondering how the technology will pick out the commands that are for the computer from all the other thoughts that circulate in one´s brain. I would like to try it, however, my mind is always storming with so many different thoughts that I think it would be very hard for me to concentrate and give commands to the computer.


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